Special Services


Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…

—Matthew 28:19

Baptism is one of two sacraments for Lutherans, the other being Holy Communion. In Baptism, by water and God’s Word, we are saved from sin and death by being joined to the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Baptism we are adopted as God’s children and made members of the body of Christ.

At baptism, each child receives an age appropriate bible, candle, handkerchief, multiple books (including “Living the Promises of Baptism, 101 ideas for parents”), baptismal certificate, and a handmade blanket made by the Prayer Shawl Ministry. Baptism is the first milestone in a child’s life, and all of these gifts fit in the faith chest that is given to the child to keep all of their gifts from milestones as they grow. The family also receives a series of monthly newsletters with important information about the physical and spiritual growth of children. If you have questions about what we believe about Baptism or would like to find out more about being baptized at Kinsmen Lutheran, please contact Sara Ray, Director of Children’s Ministry & Outreach.

Lent is a season of repentance, fasting and preparation for the coming of Easter. Traditionally we do not have baptisms during Lent which occurs in the spring from Ash Wednesday to Easter every year.


The loss of a loved one is a difficult time that brings with it many questions …

… decisions must be made and arrangements must be completed all while you are grieving for the loss of someone important. It is a time that your friends gather around you to comfort, support, and care for you as you grieve; and it is also a time that the church is there to minister to you and give you hope through the faith we hold in Christ’s victory over death.

Please contact the church office or call 281-444-3126 so that we may comfort you in your time of need.


Love each other because love comes from God.

–1 John 4:7


Congratulations and best wishes on your upcoming nuptials!

Kinsmen is a beautiful and convenient location for couples to come before God and their family and friends in Christian marriage. We look forward to being able to offer both our facilities and our assistance at this special time in your life. If you are interested in having your wedding at Kinsmen, please contact the church office or call 281-444-3126.

More information on weddings at Kinsmen can be found in our Wedding Ministry Guidelines below.